Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base
Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
A professionally designed Christmas quiz for teachers of Food & Nutrition to use with KS3-5 students, featuring 60 well-presented questions, and an answer sheet.
The quiz also includes a word-search (on screen) and a couple of anagram rounds.
Fifty of the questions are all Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject specific and deal either with GCSE terminology of “fun facts”.
Differentiation can easily be achieved by changing quiz group sizes. The quiz is suitable for KS3-5.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson.
This is the ultimate Philosophy for Children (P4C) Pack: perfect for any teacher wishing to bring philosophy and critical thinking into their classroom.
It contains 20 resources and includes:
-An 8-Lesson P4C Course
-Debate generating software
-Philosophy Boxes Discussion Sessions
-A host of other tools and templates
Teaching philosophy is my passion and this resource has been made by me over years of spreading the joy of philosophy to young minds. I hope you will help me bring philosophy into the lives of children around the world by using this resource .
This product is suitable for any teacher (around the world) to bring P4C into their classroom. It provides enough resources for whole-school initiatives and may be of interest to those in leadership positions, or coordinating P4C/PSHE/SMSC/Ethics provisions.
Its uses include:
-Introducing philosophy and P4C
-Boosting critical-thinking skills
-Enhancing meta-cognitive ability
-Practicing conversation and debate skills
Feel free to email me with any questions :)
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” - Swami Sivananda
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a professionally designed Christmas quiz tailor-made for teachers of Food & Nutrition to use with their students. It includes a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions and three A4 Christmas crossword worksheets! Answer sheets are provided.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson.
The bundle also includes a set of three A4 Christmas Crosswords (with answers).
The crossword worksheets are Christmas themed, all of the clues/answers are Christmas related. These are ‘Christmas Trivia’ crosswords dealing with Christmas-related general knowledge: they are, therefore, suitable for teachers/students of any subject.
This product is suitable for any age-group: differentiation should be achieved by changing team sizes.
The resource is fully editable.
Merry Christmas! <3
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for Food & Nutrition Teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Four of our best-selling P4C (Philosophy for Children) resources in a special value ‘Back to School’ bundle!
[Key-words: Back to School, P4C, Philosophy, Fun, Tutor Time, Form Time, Ethics, Morality, Philosophical, Teaching Resources, Back to School]
This is pack 3 of 5!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This special Christmas bundle contains three resources:
A Christmas Quiz for Food & Nutrition teachers
Christmas DIRT Worksheets (3 x A4 options)
An A3 Christmas DIRT Worksheet
The professionally designed Christmas quiz is tailor-made for teachers of Food & Nutrition to use with their students. It comprises a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson. Easy differentiation can be achieved by changing team-sizes.
The DIRT Worksheets are suitable for any KS4 or KS5 class. They are focussed on student-reflection, target-setting , progress checking, and creating student-teacher dialogue. They are all Christmas themed to help with tone and engagement.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
This special Christmas bundle contains three resources:
A Christmas Quiz for Film Studies teachers
Christmas DIRT Worksheets (3 x A4 options)
An A3 Christmas DIRT Worksheet
The professionally designed Christmas quiz is tailor-made for teachers of Film Studies to use with their students. It comprises a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson. Easy differentiation can be achieved by changing team-sizes.
The DIRT Worksheets are suitable for any KS4 or KS5 class. They are focussed on student-reflection, target-setting , progress checking, and creating student-teacher dialogue. They are all Christmas themed to help with tone and engagement.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Music Teachers! It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
This bundle contains our video-worksheet pack (x10 worksheets) and 2 other resources.
Buying these resources together saves you a lot of money!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Food & Nutrition teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for Drama Teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for Film Studies teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for English Literature teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for SMSC Leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Art Teachers. It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources.
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Get two free resources when you buy our new revision board game.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units